Sunday, December 16, 2007

December 16

Today has become an anniversary for our family. It was on this day, five years ago, that our family lost our mother. We became orphaned that day, each of us in our own way. I don't cry any more which is odd. I generally am not a cryer but a month after my mother's death I began to cry and I didn't stop for a couple of years. Today I try to live my life as a reflection of my mother's love. Today I feel like I understand my mother more than ever before. Those who have not felt the loss, the greatness of the separation that death brings between you and someone with whom you shared your life, your soul, your DNA, for those who have not felt it, and it was I just 5 years ago, you simply can't relate to the words that the kind-hearted tell you, that you'll carry your loved one with you in your heart. Its true. Your heart's true mission is defined after the death of a loved one. For there is a warmth that surrounds the heart that I never felt before. There is a understanding that I never had before. So I live my life with my mother's blessing. She gave me this life with the hope that I would have health, laughter, give love and receive love. She hoped I would be good and kind. She hoped her family would always love each other. I have all of her hopes in my heart and I feel so blessed. Merry Christmas Everyone and Mom, I love you.