Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's Been A Long Time

I know, I know, I'm supposed to actually post to my blog. But this blog is about our getting closer to going to China and we are seemingly getter farther away. It is not easy to answer "why" because everything is really speculation but suffice it to say that things have slowed down dramatically. Right now, December 2006, it looks like we'll get Reese sometime in mid to late 2008 - yes 2 more years. Its sad to wait so long but we will continue.

In the meantime, I have joined 2 Yahoo Groups for waiting families with similar LIDs (China "log-in-dates"). To that end, I participate in their Secret Pal exchange which means monthly I send a small gift, anonymously, to another family and we receive a gift from someone else who is participating in the exchange. I thought it would help me pass the time and at least get me in the baby departments. What I am good at - buying gifts - I had purchased gifts through January in my 2nd month. What I stink at - getting them to the post office!

I met another local group of adopters who meet quarterly. I'm kinda late with this group as they all will have their babies well before me but they are great resource for us when we finally do go over.

One of their members, and the founding member, Lisa S, is currently ending her wait as she & her husband Eammon are in China right now! I have been following her blog since I began this quest & finally met her in October. Bless her heart, she has pneumonia! But tomorrow she officially becomes Maisie's mom - I'm so happy for this family!!

I'll try to post more frequently & add pictures. I need to figure out how to add pictures again!