Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's all in a day...

So what does one exceedingly patient, breath-holding waiting on a match any day, prospective parent do all day?  Check the Rumor Queen website constantly.  I've been checking daily - okay may have missed a day or two here and there - but pretty much daily for probably 4+years.  And I'm not alone.  This blog is so well-known she has a cyber-store for her fans to purchase RQ wares.  I think her membership exceeds 8k.  This site has kept me sane.

Once your paperchase has concluded and your documents detailing all the juicy bits of your tedious life has been gathered, notarized, notary has been verified by county registrar, county registrar has been verified by secretary of state, secretary of state has been verified by Chinese consulate and all those verifications have been dutifully attached to each document that has been dutifully translated into Mandarin and it arrives in China to - ta da! - sit on a shelf... Rumor Queen is who we all turn to to keep us abreast, daily, on what is happening to our documents on that shelf.  Specifically, where are they now??

The majority of her postings are about well, her, which is okay.  I have enjoyed becoming acquainted with RQ and her adopted daughters Twinkle Toes and Glitter Girl.  The postings are about her and her life because news from China isn't available until China is ready for us to have news.  This site relies on the input from prospective parents across the globe.  RQ conducts polls, assimilates information and makes projections, and moderates over numerous private forums, and I believe she has a full-time job too!  Its pretty impressive.  Where would I be if I didn't have this site to refer?  We're in it together and we don't feel so alone thanks to RQ.

I pepper these cyber visits with a workout at the gym, laundry, cleaning and dinner preparation.  I used to pepper my cyber visits with my job but that nuisance has been removed from my life(!) - at least for the now and near future :).

The housecleaning is new for me too or rather its been a while since I was responsible for the cleaning.  Letting Josie go was done with both the firm conviction that of course I can clean my house and the little voice inside that admitted "but I don't want to".  I vacuumed and mopped my hardwoods today and feel the satisfaction of a job well done.  I know me though.  I wonder how long this will last especially when I have a baby demanding my time.  Josie has offered to return monthly if needed and it is something I'm keeping in the back of my mind.

Speaking of dinner prep, it is time I begin with a trip to the grocery.  Check out the Rumor Queen site - just google.  It is amazing how the internet has created a cyber fan base for some folks.  As far as RQ, my gratitude runs deep.